See Jesus AN HISTORICAL APPROXIMATION by Jose Antonio Pagola (Eng. Edition, Convivium Press, 2009). From pages 455 to page 557 you can find a treasure lode of credible scholarly sources with respect to the historical Jesus. This page contains references to various Posts on the historical Jesus reflecting Vatican II spirituality.
Another outstanding work on the historical Jesus, a contribution to the ANCHOR BIBLE REFERENCE LIBRARY, an is: A MARGINAL JEW, RETHINKING THE HISTORICAL JESUS by John P. Meier (Doubleday, New York, 1991). A quote from the dust jacket indicates the impact of this study: “Future scholars are certain to judge John Meier’s book as one of the foremost studies ever written on the historical Jesus…A brilliant accomplishment!”–Jack Dean Kingsbury, Editor, Interpretation Union Theological Seminary in Virginia.