In the Sacred Scriptures you can find a number of expressions of how God can relate to you if you let him. For the Kingdom Christian who sincerely and participatively (he/she acts also) prays “…thy Kingdom come, thy will be done ON EARTH …as it is in heaven….” an expression of Isaiah is wonderfully applicable to Jesus’ numerous invitations to respond to the callings of his “way” to bring about his Kingdom:
“… in the shadow of his hand hath he hid me, and made me a polished shaft; in his quiver hath he hid me; …”(49:2, King James translation).
Despite the alarm and danger the prophet can foresee in his calling, God puts Isaiah and me too at rest with his message: he will hide me by holding me as close as his own hand “ in the shadow of his hand…” to protect me from all peril in my contribution to the Kingdom.
“…and made me a polished shaft…” it inspires trust to contemplate myself being loved by God pictured as a brave and secure warrior/hunter selecting from the choicest wood the strongest branch to be cut and carved, and brushed and polished to perfection for any upcoming danger. Looking back on my spiritual history God’s gentle but measured hand unbeknownst to myself can be discerned shaping me for his Kingdom, being his touches ever so gentle and seemingly insignificant through years of life’s journey.
“…in his quiver hath he hid me…” as I wait to fulfill God’s wishes he holds me close to his heart in his quiver, strapped under God’s arm, protected in his love, and ready to contribute the ounce of support He has destined me for.